The HAYWIRE 7 FUSED WIRING SYSTEM is popular with our COBRA Guys.
This Wiring System is complete with:
*GM Color Coding and Fully Labeled American Made Wire.
*High Temp GXL, Moisture & Chemical Resistant Wire.
*Ground Wires are already installed with this kit. Great for Fiberglass bodies.
*Dash Headlight Switch, Dash Ignition Switch & Floor Dimmer Switch.
*Heat Shrink, Butt, Ring and Spade Terminals, Alt Lead, Fusible Links.
*Easy to follow Instructions.
*Includes GM Connectors for Headlights, Headlight Switch, Turn Signal Connectors & Dimmer Connector.
*HEI Connectors.
*Horn & Radiator Fan Relays.
*Friendly and Knowledgeable Tech Support.
*AMERICAN Made wire is used in all of Haywire & Co., llc's wiring harnesses and kits.
Standard Fuse Circuits:
Also Includes:
*Tachometer Lead | *GM Column Turn Signal Connectors | *HEI Connectors |
*3rd Brake Lead | *Headlight Switch | *Neutral Safety Relay |
Crimper, Ratchet, Open Barrel Only $58.00 |
Heat Shrink, 3 to 1 - 1/4" or 1/2" X 4ft From $5.00 to $6.00 |
Loom, Flat, Quiet Split Only $4.00 Quiet Split Flat Loom, Self-wrap |
Loom, High Temperature, Split, Round From $0.47 to $0.65 |
Loom, Therma Shield, Split From $6.00 to $11.50 |
USB DUAL PORT Only $20.00 |
Loom, Quiet Split From $1.00 to $2.00 |